Connect your organization via SSO
Please read until the end before you start.
Configure on Azure Entra
App registration - > New registration.
Name - cloudhiro-viz
Select a platform - web
Fill the following value to the right of the platform (redirect URL)[company_name].
​[company_name] - you can choose any name you would like - does not have to be the company-name. Company-name should be all lowercase and alphanumerics only (no hyphens dashes underscores and other symbols)
Click Register
Go to the new app you have just created
Certifications & secrets
New client secret
Description - fill in a meaningful name
Set expiration date - 24 months
Click add
Copy the value of secret, since Client secret values cannot be viewed, except for immediately after creation. Be sure to save the secret when created before leaving the page.
App permissions - verify that you have Microsoft Graph - permissions granted for the application you have created.
Send the following details to Us:
Tenant name
Tenant id
Application client id
Platform \ redirect URL (the URL where the organization’s users will be redirected to - section 3 above)
Secret id
Secret value